Welcome to WIRETAPPED with the WORTHINGTONS podcast! We are black married millennials touching on all facets of marriage, family, life, and relationships! And of course we will touch on all the latest trending topics! A place where you will get a birds eye view, no holds barred reality of a married millennial couple with a child! I know our singles are like HOLD UP WAIT A MINUTE NOW, don't worry we didn't forget we're going to hold y'all down too! So sit back. Relax. Because you are now WIRETAPPED!
Fight For It
Tiffany & Travis Worthington
Episode 10
In this weeks episode Tiffany and Travis touch for the importance of fighting for your relationship/marriage. Having very different views but also having gone through this very thing the important of a two parent home is still important to them both! Both having dealt with abandonment issues in some capacity their goal is to always be able to take a step back when making life changing decisions for their family. Understanding the importance of how those decisions will alter life for themselves but also son and how he interrupts relationships. So sit back because you are now #WiretappedWithTheWorthingtons.